Valerie Weiss

Valerie Weiss

Department Head

Valerie Weiss is an attorney licensed on both coasts, in two of the strongest legal States in the country. California, and New York. Her experience, Practicing for over 36 years as a civil litigator. Has put her as one of our top Special Education litigating attorneys.

She ran her own small firm for over twenty-five years covering family law, probate, securities fraud, commercial and residential real estate, and other transactional and litigation matters.

She has obtained outstanding trial success when she served as a hearing attorney for numerous international commercial banks and financial institutions in residential foreclosures and other debt collection actions, covering all 5 Boroughs in the New York area. She has represented women in the Dow Corning Action, practicing before California and New York state and federal courts.

She has achieved outstanding success for clients in trials, mediations, arbitrations, and private settlements. The exact areas of legal expertise to fight for children with special needs!  She was one of several senior counsel working on the international Blue-Sky-Mortgage-Backed-Securities-Fraud Action representing Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac.

Valerie has successfully represented Plaintiffs against pharmaceutical companies whose medications caused severe injury or death. She is well aware of how special education students, who are on medications, relies upon school districts to be appropriately trained. She will be alert to aware, caring, and informed about Students disability and behavioral, medical, identify if school Districts are in fact following the law.

Mss. Weiss has worked for the New York Legal Department on constitutional law actions brought before the Taxi and Limousine Commission and has security clearance with the Small Business Administration. She will be working closely with Robert regarding constitutional. Law issues that affect the educational programs for our kids with special needs. As well as the Federal Court cases we file when OAH errors in their decisions.

Valerie has favorably argued cases before the US Merit System Protection Board, representing spouses of former federal employees, obtaining for her clients their rightful retirement and survivor benefits.

As a solo practitioner Mss. Weiss conducted short and long trials, arbitrations, settlement conferences, law and motion work, discovery, and site inspections. She has worked for international companies such as Deloitte, where she was 1 of a small chosen team of attorneys to review proprietary contracts to Develop Revenue Standards for US GAAP and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) by FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) and IASB (International Accounting Standards Board). In this capacity the small team was chosen to test a new proprietary software program. As a team member Valerie has already established herself as a strong team member. Assisting our other attorneys on cases, as we all share our knowledge with each other.

In the last several years Mss. Weiss has also studied language and culture at Universities abroad and is completing a master’s degree in literature and linguistics. She believes since Autism is a commutative disorder, and speech and language are vital to all students’ success.

Her degree in addition to her legal expertise helps her understand the ties between speech, linguistics, reading, and learning which helps her understand our kids who struggle every day to learn.

Valerie is one more of our top litigators assisting us to be the best Special Education law firm in California. Valerie is another part of our round table of Special Education Expertise personnel fighting for students who only seek the opportunity to learn, from the School Districts who fail to comply with the Federal and State laws which require our special children to be provided a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE).

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