Special Education Law Offices


We believe Autism Answers has the top legal minds regarding Special Education. They listen. They are the power equalizer against school districts.

Eligibility Criteria Age 0 to 4+ Years

Eligibility for preschool children ages of 3 and 5

Specific Learning Disabilities

To qualify as learning disabled, a severe discrepancy between intellectual ability and achievement must exist in one or more of the following areas:

AND the discrepancy is attributed to a deficit in one or more of the following psychological processes:

Serious Emotional Disturbances

Qualification in this category is not based on a psychiatric diagnosis, but the student must demonstrate one or more of following criteria:

Serious Emotional Disturbances

Autistic like behaviors

Language or Speech Disorder

Other health impairments

Need Legal Assistance?

Our law firm helps parents all over the country fight for their child’s rights and we’ll be glad to fight for yours, too.

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